We empower undocumented youth and fulfill their human right to education

The Four Pillars of Our Work

Based in Atlanta, Freedom University is an award-winning human rights organization that provides rigorous college preparation classes, college and scholarship application assistance, and social movement leadership training for undocumented students banned from equal access to public higher education in Georgia.

Inspired by the legacy of the Southern Freedom School tradition and the critical pedagogy of Paolo Freire, our mission is to educate and empower undocumented students and fulfill their human right to education. We do this by grounding our work in our freedom school program, which directly serves approximately 20-25 undocumented students each semester and provides comprehensive support in a beloved community. This includes tuition-free college preparation courses, college and scholarship application assistance, full legal representation and mental health resources, and social movement leadership training.

Beyond our classroom, Freedom University’s Educator Training Program works with K-12 and college counselors and mentors to deepen their knowledge of immigration history and education policy, and improve their cultural competency in working with immigrant youth populations. Specifically, we share our model and best practices with educators so they are better able to welcome, support, and protect undocumented students in their care. We also offer expert Know Your Rights Trainings for schools, college campuses, workplaces, and faith communities, in which we review constitutional rights that apply to all people, provide digital and printed resources in 15 languages, and share best practices to protect the safety of immigrants.

We also lead policy change initiatives at local, state, national, and transnational levels, and organize vibrant direct actions to hold decision makers accountable, empower our community, and build the world we know is possible. Our hope is that our students not only gain the knowledge and skills they need to earn full scholarships to college and realize their full human potential, but the consciousness and commitment necessary to lead their own freedom struggle for decades to come.

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1. Freedom School

We provide tuition-free college preparation courses taught by university professors and experts in their fields. The purpose of education is to empower students to participate in the positive transformation of their world.

Students complete two core areas: Human Rights and College Preparation. Students also specialize in one or more of the following areas: STEM, Arts, and Mental Health.

We also provide holistic support including free legal representation, mental health support, and emergency financial assistance to ensure students can stay focused on their dream of higher education.

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2. Trainings

We offer Educator Trainings for high school counselors and college admissions professionals where we share best practices for welcoming, supporting, and protecting undocumented students. We also offer Know Your Rights Trainings with community organizations where we offer presentations and resources on how to protect ourselves and members of our community during potential ICE raids in homes, schools, hospitals, and places of worship. Both are offered on sliding scale fees to help fund our vital work.

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3. Policy Change

We publish policy reports, testify before lawmaking bodies at state and federal levels, file human rights complaints at the international level to advance the human right to education. By working with student and educator allies, we advocate for fair admissions and financial aid policies at public and private institutions of higher education.

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4. Direct Action

In the freedom school tradition of “education for social change,” we organize directly impacted undocumented youth and allies to challenge power structures that uphold modern educational segregation of undocumented youth and systematically violate their fundamental human rights.

Through creative and strategic direct actions of nonviolent civil disobedience, we educate the public, hold decision makers accountable, and demonstrate the better world we know is possible.

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Georgia has the most discriminatory bans against undocumented students in the country.


Watch: “We Can Be More” short video

Freedom University is an award-winning, modern-day freedom school for undocumented students banned from equal access to higher education in Georgia.

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Spring 2025 Courses

STEM: Psychology

Dr. Megan Massa

Human Rights: U.S. Government through a Human Rights Lens

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

College Preparation: Creative Writing

Dr. Natalie Villacorta; Emory University and Agnes Scott College Writing Tutors

Mental Health and Well-Being

Professor Inés Rodriguez

Arts I: American Sign Language

Professor Sunny Brown

Arts II: Radio Broadcasting

Professor Christopher Hollis

Encuentro: Political Education, Leadership Development, and Beloved Community Building

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Fall 2024 Courses

STEM: Biology

Professor A. Ramos

Human Rights: The Human Right to Education

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

College Preparation: The College Essay

Professor Whitney Lewis; Emory University and Agnes Scott College Writing Tutors

Mental Health and Well-Being

Dr. Charmaine Mora-Ozuna

Arts: American Sign Language

Professor Sunny Brown

Encuentros: Political Education, Leadership Development, and Beloved Community Building

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Spring 2024 Courses

STEM: College Mathematics

Professor Benito Thompson

Human Rights: Introduction to Indigenous Studies

Dr. Emil’ Keme

College Preparation: Academic Writing

Dr. Melissa Yang, Professor Whitney Lewis, and Emory/Agnes Scott Writing Tutors

Mental Health and Well-Being: Meditation and Mindfulness

Dr. Alejandra Arce

Arts: Introduction to Media Production

Professor David Barba

Encuentro: Political Education and Community Building

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Fall 2023 Courses

STEM: Introduction to Biology

Dr. Pedro Márquez-Zacarías

The Human Right to Education: History, Theory, and Practice

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Academic Writing: The College Admissions Essay and Tutoring Workshop

Professor Whitney Lewis and Emory/Agnes Scott Writing Tutors

Mental Health and Well-Being

Dr. Alejandra Arce

Arts: Introduction to Latinx Art History

Professor Xochitl Munguía-Cuen

Spring 2023 Courses

The Human Right to Education in U.S. and Global Perspectives

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

College Preparation: Creative Writing and the Academic Essay

Professor Aline Mello and Professor Whitney Lewis

and Emory/Agnes Scott Writing Tutors

STEM II: Introduction to Psychology

Dr. Arlene Edwards

Mental Health and Well-Being: Yoga*

Professor Diestene Williams

Arts: Son Jarocho Music Ensemble*

Professor Eduardo García and Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

*In-person courses

Fall 2022 Courses

The Human Right to Education: History, Theory, and Practice

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

College Preparation: The College Entrance Essay

Dr. Stephanie Jed and Professor Whitney Lewis

and Emory/Agnes Scott Writing Tutors

STEM: Introduction to Psychology

Dr. Arlene Edwards

Mental Health: Mindfulness and Meditation

Professor Hector Luis Rivera Ortíz

Arts: Son Jarocho Music Ensemble*

Professor Eduardo García and Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

*In-person courses

Spring 2022 Courses

Indigenous Studies

Dr. Craig Womack and Dr. Mandy Suhr-Sytsma

Academic Writing

Dr. Stephanie Jed and Emory/Agnes Scott Writing Tutors

Natural Sciences

Professor Pedro Márquez-Zacarías

Mindfulness and Meditation

Professor Hector Luis Rivera Ortíz

Son Jarocho Music Ensemble*

Professor Eduardo García and Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Studio Art*

Professors Yehimi Cambrón and Charmaine Minniefield

*In-person courses

Fall 2021 Courses

The Human Right to Education: History, Theory, and Practice

Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis

Nutrition and Food Science

Dr. Imelda Reyes and Dr. Francisco Loayza

Foundations of STEM

Dr. Robert Geiger and Professor Pedro Márquez-Zacarías

Son de Sueños: Son Jarocho music ensemble

Professor Eduardo Garcia

SAT Math Preparation

Professor Jasmine Ko Aqua, Professor Parth Viswanathan, Professor Hannah Moriarty

Freedom University + Emory Writing Center Tutoring

Kalyani Allums and Writing Center Tutors from Emory University and Agnes Scott College

Mental Health: Art Therapy

Dr. Kelvin Ramirez